Monday, August 11, 2014

The resource road to he ... Corporation

Every day the same drill, wake up in the morning and travel with the subway train for about an hour to reach the Corporation headquarters, far in the outskirts of the city. The closest you are to the top rush-hour the worse. The resource ends up in the train station to see a large mass of resources waiting patiently and painfully for the train to arrive.

When the train finally comes it's a wonder to climb in the first one, you have to wait for the second, sometimes even third. When you manage to get on the train squeezed between other resources you have to travel about an hour in the crowd trying to reach a bar. A seat is a dream at the rush-hour, it's so crowded you can't even see the seats let alone get a free one.

And after an agonizing hour (during which you have to change the train and take another one) you finally reach the industrial platform where the Corporation building stands high in the sky. Totally grey with an ugly design is looks like a prison. Getting out of the train station you see hundreds of resources walking tired and hopeless to the premises. They are all sad, woke up in the morning, squeezed in the train like cattle for an hour and yet they need to start the day's work. Hurry up, there's lots of mails already waiting for you not to say that early meeting scheduled by your boss. What does the Dragon want this time you ask? Should you worry? You're too tired to even do that.

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