Monday, September 1, 2014

The long way back home

You rarely see any happy faces in the late train taking the resources home from the Corporation premises, located in an industrial area of the city. The same long faces everywhere, exhausted and sleepy, lacking any energy. They're in for a long one hour ride until getting home, spending what was left of their free day as a vegetable in front of the TV or computer waiting for the next day to return to work.

The train conductor resource is as bored and exhausted as the passengers, mumbling the station announcements in a low voice. At least if he had the sense of humor to announce when leaving the Corporation station: All zombies aboard please!

A resource works in general about 9 hours a day although it's pretty common they get to stay late and do overtime which is never paid. They spend another two hours on the road. But most of all they spend all their energy leaving them like brainless cattle in the evening to be transported home for the daily media intoxication. There is always the risk that some resources realize how miserably they spend their life and their youth without doing anything important to them so the mass-media has to brainwash them day by day. That new car, the vacation you've been waiting all year, a new smart phone, new fashionable clothes, you have to get them. And you have to get them quickly! You have to work more and more to afford them because you really really need them. And if you don't afford them now just get them in credit, you can always work more and harder to pay the taxes too. And each morning with an empty wallet you hurry to catch that frickin train to the Corporation.

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