Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sexy redhead resource

- Will you frickin' stop dreaming about her already? said Gabe annoyed while we were in the Corporation courtyard in a coffee break.

Gabe was constantly looking for all the women, all types, all ages, all sizes. You couldn't spend two minutes with him without pointing out a women he likes with a sigh. He once said he likes about 80% of the women he saw in the subway while going to work. And now he was annoyed with me because I couldn't take my eyes off Sexy Redhead.

She was a resource like us, working on the same floor but in a different team, thin, average sized, with a beautiful red hair and a face resembling Angelina Jolie. Or so it looked to me, I was hypnotized staring at her every time she was out with her friends a few meters apart from me.

- Well she is ugly! Gabe continued but she kind of looks like you so I see why you have the hots for her. You'd make a good couple you know, you're suitable you two.
- Shut up and let me dream, you know I ain't got no chance. She's got her desk full of her boyfriend's pictures and also her facebook wall. Like life is going to be good to a resource...
- So what, you should try hitting on to her. Just go to her and say you like her and invite her out! Don't just stay here staring. You're not fun to get out to a coffee with when she's around.
- Yeah, I'm a sad resource. No, actually I'm a sadder resource than usual I said absent looking as Sexy Redhead was lighting up a cigarette. Damn I wish I was there with her. It ain't bad enough I'm a resource at the Corporation, I have to live up with her so close and yet so far every day.

Gabe said nothing, he was busy checking out a tall blonde coming out of the building. After a few moments he said:
- If the Corporation would only knew you've got a crush on the Sexy Redhead they would move you next to her desk if you accepted to work harder, such an easy way to motivate a resource.


  1. Loved it!
    But I can't find any 'follow' button!:(

  2. Hi Avijit, thank you for your comment! I have just started the blog and learning how to use the interface, I will add the follow button shortly :)
