Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Much awaited summer vacation

 Starting with May my friend Donny was in a frenzy, when asked what happened he said anxiously:

- I am going to Greece man, going on vacation! 

- When?

- End of August, long way still. But it's costly, I gotta save up big time. Big time. 4000 euro for me , wife and little one, can you imagine? They are ripping us off. 

- Why so expensive? I said. It's not wise. Don't tell me you're going with that turd c-sucker Mititica again? He's an idiot but a high-cost idiot, you should say no and go somewhere you can afford.

- No dude, I'm commited, already said I'm going, I need to cut expenses and save the money. 2000 euros upfront and 2000 euros to spend there, it's an expensive place you know.

- I can imagine , still it will be a dry and tough summer and let's be honest you liked to spend.

- I know, it will be horror, all work and no fun...

- But there is still a good thing in this, if you can make it maybe you will get the habit of spending and start spending for you as well, to invest and not to splurge on vacations. 

- Yeah sure dude ...

And it was indeed a long and dry summer for him. One week worth of expensive vacation can cause several months of gritting the teeth and working hard with little spending. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Work harder resource!

 Yesterday Danny was really down, after work we met at the pub and ordered beers. He was quite pale and tired and looked like he came out of an asylum or something.

- Seb, the patron has really gone nuts today, I am working my behind off, juggling lots of customers, answering calls at 7 AM in the morning and such but he's really mad.

- How come?

- Not enough money I generate he says. He says I am lazy, I slack, I don't pull my own weight and I don't cover even my salary let alone bring him much-needed profit. He wants to dump a few more customers on my head and I am already burnt out.

- That's tough I said, since I came back to the evil corporation I am working pretty moderately, there are some peak times but nothing to complain about.

- Yeah , what can I do? I really try my best.

- Sounds like a management problem, maybe he's not charging enough or his products are crappy.

- They are indeed but we are supposed to sell them. But what can he do? He can't fire me, he needs me.

- Hahahaha, I said almost dropping the beer glass, you are fooling yourself. Every wageslave is replaceable, he just needs one more desperate than you willing to work harder, take more whipping and give up on free time , maybe even for a lower wage.

- You think so?

- Yes, sadly the only chance is to suck it until you find something better, or maybe settle for a lower pay with less stress and work...

- But the house, the mortgage, the car, little Audi? I have a lot of costs.

- It stinks I know, got to reduce them, save some money. Otherwise you will end up like that p.o.s  wageslave Vasile, a loud-mouth bragger who was lazy and arrogant, got his ass kicked from the company. He only resisted so much because he was kissing behinds left and right. 

- Mkay, I will have to look out maybe there's an opportunity out there in the job market.

- You do that otherwise the patron is gonna keep making your life harder, after all he wants an ever increasing profit. But in the meantime cheer up, vacation is coming!