Well the Corporation is still doing bad though I left as well as other countless resources, shot in the beack of their head and left to struggle in the agony of unemployment. I was lucky to get a job soon and managed to keep intact my leave pay and invest it in stocks but other colleagues such as Gabe stayed more than half an year jobless and ate all the compensation money while going into debt too.
I was happy seeing he got a job finally but a bit disheartened that he learned nothing from this experience. He still does not save and spends recklessly. And if him who went twice through being fired doesn't learn what hope of financial education is there for others?
A job is not safe, being resource is not safe, being at the mercy and whims of a boss is not safe nor pleaseant. Working you behaind off until you're 65 to get a measly pension is the way the System tells you once you're an old fart that it made a fool out of you all your life and you actually happily accepted. So earn, save, invest, buy assets that bring you passive income and free yourself more and more from the salary. Because tomorrow it might not be there!